Approval of Noise Compatibility Program Update, Naples Municipal Airport (APF), Naples, Florida

Action Notice. Summary The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its findings on the Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) Update submitted by the Naples Airport Authority (NAA) for the Naples Municipal Airport (the Airport). On December 9, 2021, the FAA determined that Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) submitted by the NAA were in compliance with applicable requirements. The

Part 150 Noise Study Workshop (3)!

Attend a workshop where the Port of Seattle will answer questions about this important study. The Part 150 program determines the noise boundary around the airport and opportunities for noise mitigation such as sound insulation.

Saturday 10:00AM-12:00PM

Glacier Middle School
2450 S 142nd St., SeaTac, WA 98168

Part 150 Noise Study Workshop (2)!

Attend a workshop where the Port of Seattle will answer questions about this important study. The Part 150 program determines the noise boundary around the airport and opportunities for noise mitigation such as sound insulation.

6:00PM – 8:00 PM Location: Gregory Heights Elementary School
16201 16th Ave. SW, Burien WA 98166

Part 150 Noise Study Workshops!

Attend a workshop where the Port of Seattle will answer questions about this important study. The Part 150 program determines the noise boundary around the airport and opportunities for noise mitigation such as sound insulation.

6:00PM – 8:00 PM Location: Gregory Heights Elementary School
16201 16th Ave. SW, Burien WA 98166

Part 150 is SAMP Part #1

Attend June 5, 6 and 8 workshops to learn about new noise boundaries Sea-Tac Airport is undertaking a Part 150 Study, a section of FAA regulations governing community noise impacts. These studies take several years to complete, but you should care now and attend the June 5, June 6 or June 8, Workshops for a

Part 150 Noise Workshops!

The Part 150 program sets the noise boundary. If your home is inside, you get sound insulation (aka a Port Package). If not, you don’t. Show up to these public workshops June 5 and June 6.

Part 150 for Dummies

2016 Sustainable Airport Master Plan briefing on changes to DNL65 based on past Part 150 Studies

The Federal regulations concerning community noise around Sea-Tac Airport Part 150 (Airport Noise Compatibility Planning)  is a section of the Code of Federal Regulations governing the FAA and airports. The code describes a ‘voluntary’ study airports can do to determine the impacts of noise on surrounding communities. A Part 150 Study has all sorts of