Part 150 is SAMP Part #1

Attend June 5, 6 and 8 workshops to learn about new noise boundaries Sea-Tac Airport is undertaking a Part 150 Study, a section of FAA regulations governing community noise impacts. These studies take several years to complete, but you should care now and attend the June 5, June 6 or June 8, Workshops for a

Part 150 for Dummies

2016 Sustainable Airport Master Plan briefing on changes to DNL65 based on past Part 150 Studies

The Federal regulations concerning community noise around Sea-Tac Airport Part 150 (Airport Noise Compatibility Planning)  is a section of the Code of Federal Regulations governing the FAA and airports. The code describes a ‘voluntary’ study airports can do to determine the impacts of noise on surrounding communities. A Part 150 Study has all sorts of