Quiet Skies Coalition Update

Good Friends & Citizens of Burien, On Wednesday, the City of Burien appeared before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Seattle.  Our attorney Matt Adams of Dentons law firm and the FAA’s attorney presented oral arguments before a panel of three judges who asked pointed questions of both sides.  My

Burien Quiet Skies Coalition – June 2019 Update

Hi Everyone, I hope this email finds you well and enjoying summer. Here’s a quick update on the latest happenings: Meeting with Adam Smith and Pramila Jayapal’s Staff Congressional Representatives Adam Smith and Pramila Jayapal asked me and our good friend and neighbor, Walt Bala, to provide a briefing regarding the Burien Turn and our

League Of Quiet Skies Voters Announced

Citizen groups and activists from communities neighboring Sea-Tac Airport, including Quiet Skies Puget Sound, Burien’s Quiet Skies Coalition, the Federal Way Air Noise Alliance, and The Briefing Project, have formed the new “League of Quiet Skies Voters,” to assure that impacts from recent and proposed airport expansion on human health and the environment are a