Commissioners, I want to thank you again for your 25 February 2020 vote on Motion 2020-04. As you know, this action was taken to accelerate your sound insulation program (known as Port Packages) and also take advantage of new State legislation HB2315 which enables the Port to provide updates and repairs to existing systems. We
PPP Update #2
Hi there, It’s been too long since our first update. Sorry about that. Part of the delay is that literally the week we decided to create this list, the true magnitude of the COVID-19 emergency became apparent and the Governor declared a State Of Emergency. COVID-19 Challenges The first speed bump is that we were
The new *PPP Mailing List
*Port Package Problems So… HB2315, the ‘Port Package Update’ bill, just passed in Olympia. Yay. You won’t see any of us at the signing ceremony because… THERE ARE NO SIGNING CEREMONIES! Damn that COVID-19! Which means the selfies with our Governor will have to wait for another year.
Now there’s this bit in
HB2315 (Port Package Update) Frequently Asked Questions
Now that HB2315 (the ‘Port Package Update’ bill) has passed, we’re getting a ton of questions. Here are some answers. If you don’t see your question here, please contact us, but please be specific about what you are asking about, include your address and phone number and above all please be patient! We are only
An Open Letter To Joel Wachtel re. HB2315
Mr. Wachtel is a member of the SeaTac City Council and chairs their Aviation Advisory Committee. The following letter was e-mailed to key Councilmembers in Des Moines, SeaTac, Normandy Park, Tukwila and Federal Way. Hi Joel, As I mentioned at yesterday’s Highline Forum, HB2315 is moving ahead very fast. There have been two hearings so
Local Government Hearing on HB2315
Port Package Update bill. Come give Public Comment John L. O’Brien Building, Olympia Original bill:
Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Sponsors: Orwall, Fitzgibbon, Pellicciotti Companion Bill: SB 6214
Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Sponsors: Keiser Companion Bill: HB2315 Original Bill:
What do Port Packages have to do with me?
Perhaps the most common question we get these days is “Why do you keep going on about ‘Port Packages’? I don’t care about Port Packages. I care about all the damned planes! That is what we should be focused on!” This is a great question. It’s the only question, really because it gets to the