Property Tax Levy 2023 (and a few words about sex trafficking)

Commissioners, It’s with an increasingly heavy heart I take in your  discussion of the Property Tax Levy every year now. Despite your claims to be the most progressive commission ever, the tax levy is evidence that your relationship with the cities under the flight path, especially fence line communities like Des Moines, is steadily becoming

Port Package updates are essential to the American Dream

A letter to the Commissioners of the Port of Seattle: explaining the history of Port Packages and their place in environmental justice. The American Dream is a safe, healthy home, at an affordable price, where you can raise your children, in one of the most beautiful areas in the world. But with so many Port Package failures and fewer and fewer new homes being eligible for sound insulation, that dream is becoming harder to achieve under the flight path.

UW DEOHS State Of Washington Environmental Impact Mapping Tool

The University Of Washington Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS)has developed an interactive mapping tool which displays a variety of environmental health risks by area in our state. The tool was developed by PhD student Alice Min and DEOHS associate professor Edmund Seto. You can read more about how it works and a