Boeing sees $8 trillion jet market as climate reshapes travel

By  Julie Johnsson Bloomberg Boeing Co. predicts airlines around the world will add 42,595 jets valued at about $8 trillion over the next two decades, even as concerns over climate change affect the way consumers travel. The U.S. plane-maker’s latest tally of industrywide deliveries over the next 20 years takes into account growing activism over

Runway project to get more scrutiny – updated forecasts show sea-tac might be busier than initially predicted

Runway project to get more scrutiny – updated forecasts show sea-tac might be busier than initially predicted January 10, 1997 | News Tribune, The (Tacoma, WA) Author/Byline: Al Gibbs; The News Tribune | Page: A1 |  The Port of Seattle will conduct a rare supplemental environmental assessment of its third runway project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The investigation, expected to last about a month, comes in the wake of updated Federal