Ground the Planes

Donald G. McNeil Jr. What may be the most effective way to stop huge surges in infections during a pandemic? Ground the planes. Just do it. Tell the airlines: “No. You’re not booking hundreds of extra flights to Florida this week.” I wish I’d written this a month ago, because now it’s too late to

Boeing research shows disinfectants kill virus on airplanes

Joann Muller, author of Navigate Electrostatic spraying of disinfectant. Photo: Delta Air Lines Boeing and researchers at the University of Arizona say their experiment with a live virus on an unoccupied airplane proves that the cleaning methods currently used by airlines are effective in destroying the virus that causes COVID-19. Why it matters: Deep cleaning aircraft

Inslee announces safety guidelines for air travel amid coronavirus pandemic

1 of 3 | Passengers walk near the south end of the terminal at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Thursday. (Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times) By Joseph O’Sullivan Seattle Times staff reporter OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee Thursday announced safety requirements for commercial airport service, as the airline industry continues to struggle amid COVID-19.