Two Port of Seattle managers have resigned under pressure, and seven other high-ranking employees were disciplined for their role in fraudulent contracting practices, Port CEO Tay Yoshitani announced Tuesday.

Port forces out 2 managers over fraudulent contract activity – 7 more suspended or disciplined But commission president says “zero tolerance” should mean firing people who break law By Bob Young December 10, 2008 Publication: Seattle Times, The (WA) Page: A1 Word Count: 1222 Two Port of Seattle managers have resigned under pressure, and seven

Port of Seattle on the Rocks

McKay’s findings could add fuel to the Justice Department’s investigation. By Rick Anderson • December 9, 2008 12:00 am Prepare for rip-off. The special investigation team probing the spending at the Port of Seattle has turned up at least 10 acts of fraud but “did not identify any embezzlement or [deal-making for] personal gain.” Nonetheless, last week’s

Port memo still a mystery – Rewritten to hide high cost of project Penalties await, but “so many people looked at it and made changes” that finding culprits will be tough, investigator says

Port memo still a mystery – Rewritten to hide high cost of project Penalties await, but “so many people looked at it and made changes” that finding culprits will be tough, investigator says By Bob Young December 7, 2008 Publication: Seattle Times, The (WA) Page: B1 Word Count: 719 Who hid the truth about the