UproarLA: Nextgen Nightmare @ Burbank Airport (FAA and BUR LIED)

FAA and BUR LIED | www.uproarla.org UproarLA has discovered the truth of how San Fernando Valley communities were sacrificed by the FAA and Burbank Airport in the name of efficiency and NextGen technology. Burbank Airport was alerted back in 2015 that new “condensed” flight paths would inundate quiet neighborhoods with airplane noise and pollution, and

City of Burbank v. Lockheed Air Terminal

In one of the most maddening examples of airport law, the United States argued for reversal (ie. allowing for local airport control) of curfews. The FAA, which had previously supported the ban, adopted a neutral position when the The Department of Transportation, filed a Friend of the Court brief arguing for reversal. Summary Holding that