Latest Boeing 737 Max issue expected to delay plans to increase production

By Marissa Nall  –  Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal Apr 16, 2023 The latest production flaw affecting The Boeing Co.’s (NYSE: BA) Renton-made 737 Max line appears likely to hinder its plans to ramp up production of the jet, dealing a blow to the company and its Puget Sound-area suppliers. The issue, which surfaced last week, involves two of eight

Boeing isn’t a bank, but it’s the ultimate ‘too big to fail’ company

By  Jon Talton Three things struck me as hair-on-fire points in my colleague Dominic Gates’ superb examination of Boeing’s prospects to right itself after four challenging years. First, the company’s net debt has increased to nearly eight times from where it stood at the end of 2018. That’s nearly $40 billion. Half of this comes from the

Rep. Larsen Delivers Remarks in Support of Aircraft Certification Reform Bill

For nearly two years, the families of the 346 victims who died in two tragic Boeing 737 MAX crashes championed necessary reforms to the Federal Aviation Administration’s certification process. Today, the House passed a bipartisan bill to restore the integrity of the aircraft certification process and ensure no other families experience such unthinkable loss. Watch