Legislation to get your Port Package fixed could be less than ten days away! But it’s not over yet. The next stop is at the Port of Seattle Commission this Tuesday (February 27) at noon at Sea-Tac Airport. This vote must pass and we need your help TODAY to help get it done! (Skip to Action Items.)
Port of Seattle Commission Order 24-04 will:
- Begin an assessment of failed Port Packages to be completed by the end of 2024.
- Create a pilot program for Sound Insulation Repair and Replacement beginning in 2025.
Action Items
we need you to do two things. The first will take one minute. The second requires about an hour of your time to testify on Tuesday February 27 at noon.
Task #1. Write an email to the Port Commissioners
To: Felleman, Fred <felleman.f@portseattle.org>, Hasegawa.t@portseattle.org <Hasegawa.t@portseattle.org>, Mohamed.h@portseattle.org <Mohamed.h@portseattle.org>, Calkins, Ryan <Calkins.r@portseattle.org>, Cho, Sam <Cho.S@portseattle.org>
Subject: Pass Item 10a (Order 24-04)
Suggested text:
I live in <your neighborhood>. <Briefly describe your living situation. Children? Senior citizen?>
Given the increasing number of flights, having a properly functioning sound insulation system is more important than ever. Our Port Package is essential to my home, my family’s quality of life and to preserving my neighborhood.
Unfortunately, my Port Package has the following problems <include your list of issues>.
I want to thank you for recognizing these concerns by putting forward this important legislation. And I ask that you pass 24-04 unanimously.
<your name>
<your neighborhood>
Task #2. Testify at the meeting on Tuesday February 27 at 12pm
You can do this either remote via Microsoft Teams or in person. In person always makes more of an impact but either is great! Public Comment is one of the first things on the agenda. Either way, expect to be there for an hour.
Just show up at 11:45AM at the Sea-Tac Internation Airport Conference Center and sign in at the desk. Parking is free wth validation. Conference Center Location and Directions
Remote (via Microsoft Teams)
Sign up by sending an email to: Commission-public-records@Portseattle.org, no later than 9 a.m. PST this Tuesday. You will be sent instructions.