Pg. 5a A proposal by Federal Way accountant Peter Townsend to secede from King County in order to take control of Sea-Tac Airport.

SEATTLE - Cedar Caunt;y. Casade County. Enumclaw County. Sll)l1coml&h County. Pioneer Counl)'. WhlLehorse
Counl)'. A lla ofu............rul proposals
ror now countJea in Wuhington atal.c migltt well
cxoood lhe 89 counties now in eJnL
A aunJ>4lilln boi"!18Jinounced today would C..rve l'uget Sound
County out or tlle Kin& County, from the wburt>e a:ound SeattJe.
'lllooma lutemational AiJ1>ort to the Plcrco Count;y line.
'The people or South King County have !tad It up to here
with theM powo"' that bo: oaid Peter'Townsend, a Federal Way
accountant and member of the Puget Sound County Steerlng Committee.
Badew counl)l In a largely urban·l%ed uta.
The last time a new C>lll1\y wu H\ablilhorl in WasltingtDn
wu In 19 U.. wlten Paad OreUle County wu fanned out or the
eutorn HCti.on or Stevena Coun11- In the 1 .. 1 throo
docadoa thoro ltove been unsuc:caarw ltlemptl to form new
eountlea only in predomiNlDtly rural ........ .-Uy oot or .u.
gruntlemont with eounty gov·ommenta dominated by urban CO DC*~
FaUed aeceaalon movcmentl Include proposala for Cedar
Co~ ln eD.Jtem King Coun~;y; Co 1 County in eastern King
and Piorco• eounties; Freedom, Slcyl«>mlsh and Whlteltonoo
counlleo in SDObolnlsb County; Plonttr County In northom
WltaiCOm Caun\1- and Olympic
Count;y In western C!&lam 8Jid
Jofl"er1011 counlles.
Some or the mollvatloa for Pupt Sound County is similar.Open full document