Learning from the past Now that the SAMP Public Comment period is closed, we decided to post some ‘golden oldies’. This is a Federal Way City Council presentation on the SAMP from 2018. It is so similar to the 2024 process one might decide that the only thing to do is throw up our hands.
SAMP Draft EA Comment Period closed
Decision likely to come much earlier than expected! The Sustainable Airport Master Plan Draft EA comment period is now closed. We want to thank everybody who participated. We know the process was short and highly fraught. Nevertheless, we read some very good material. Thank you. The Port registered approximately 230 participants at their four Open
The STNI SAMP Draft EA Public Comment (final)
The deadline for sending in comments on the SAMP Draft EA is Friday December 13, 2024. Here is the final version of our comment which we’ve sent to the Port of Seattle and FAA. We know that many of you are looking for pre-made comments. Please use any portion of this letter to help you.
Item 8j Des Moines Creek Basin Plan V5
Commission misses opportunity to protect and maintain Des Moines Creek Trail Our comments on Item 8j ( Memo , Presentation ) where the Port Commission voted to renew the Des Moines Creek Basin Plan V5. The original 1997 plan came out of two practical concerns: hydrology and environmental. The airport plateau is the source of most
City of Des Moines Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP Draft EA) Community Meeting
For Des Moines: City Manager Katherine Caffrey, Planning Director Rebecca Deming Shared Consultants for Burien, Des Moines, Normandy Park, SeaTac: Jim Allerdice (Vianair), Jason Schwartz, Emily Tranter (N.O.I.S.E.) Presentation and Transcript Read our SAMP Draft EA Public Comment Explainer …and send in your public comment by December 13, 2024!
City of Des Moines SAMP Community Meeting Q&A
This is a machine-generated transcript. We do not guarantee spelling or accuracy. [Meeting Moderator/Rebecca Deming]: Hello everyone. I want to let everyone know that we are recording this and we have the media here. Once this is recorded it is going to go on our website so that it can be watched. I know the
FAA Puget Sound Airspace Webinar
Almost everything you ever wanted to know about flight paths. Can you handle the truth? Overview A two hour seminar hosted by the FAA which answers every common question area residents always. have. We’ve participated in several of these in other cities and although each is customized to describe the local airport and flight paths,
SAMP Draft EA: Our running list of questions
The one thing we hear over and over from community members re. the SAMP Draft EA is “What do I say?” “How do I get started?” We get it. One way we want to help is to provide some of our questions, which we’ll be updating frequently before submitting our full comment before the December
Burien City Council October 28 (SAMP Draft EA)
Good questions. But the same questions. Some excellent questions from councilmembers after the presentation (27:54). Followed by a pointed comment from Burien Airport Committee vice-chair Brian Davis (52:20). Our take The Burien City Council is currently facing the same challenges as everyone else in knowing how to respond to the SAMP. To a certain extent,
Port Commission Meeting features SAMP EA and Tax Levy
Four hours, 700 pages Meeting Agenda It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Sustainable Airport Master Plan Draft EA Presentation (Item #11a SAMP EA Presentation) Sarah Potter: Landrum & Brown, Steve Rybold and Sarah Cox: Port of Seattle Today’s Commission meeting was