Seattle Times: State rebukes Port of Seattle for 3rd-runway water pollution

For years, the Port of Seattle has promised that construction of a massive third runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport wouldn’t hurt surrounding streams and would actually be a boon to the environment. But since October, a string of oversights, accidents and intentional actions at the airport has allowed millions of gallons of muddy, oily or

Endorsements listed by Rose Clark

Tue, 10/25/2005 Burien City Council candidate Rose Clark announced last week that she has received more endorsements, including the King County Police Officers Guild. Clark is running against Councilman Stephen Lamphear for council Position 5. Members of the Police Officers Guild stated they “were impressed with her views and positions on public safety issues.” Clark

‘Historic’ agreement signed by Port, critics

Citizens Against Sea-Tac Expansion President Brett Fish, left, checks his paperwork as airport Deputy Director Michael Feldman and Regional Commission on Airport Affairs President Larry Corvari sign their copies of the agreement. Wed, 09/14/2005 by BOB DUFFNER Times/News The Port of Seattle recently signed an agreement on an airport environmental permit with two groups that

Boeing makes gains in year of turbulence

By Dominic Gates Seattle Times aerospace reporter It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a year of fundamental shifts within Boeing. In 2004, the leaden skies above the company’s local operations at last began to brighten. • A spectacular Navy contract worth potentially $40 billion secured the future

History of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

1941: The Civil Aeronautics Administration approaches Seattle and Tacoma, offering to level the ground and build an airport runway if a city would offer the land, build a terminal and operate the airport. Neither city agrees. 1942: The Seattle Port Commission votes to assume responsibility for the new airport, coming up with two possible sites: west of

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issues a permit for filling wetlands in connection with Sea-Tac International Airport’s third runway on December 13, 2002

By Paula Becker (with research by Daryl McClary and Walt Crowley) Posted 6/24/2003 Essay 4210 On December 13, 2002, the United States Army Corps of Engineers issues to the Port of Seattle a Section 404 Permit to begin filling wetlands within the area designated for Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) International Airport’s third runway. The Port had