Article Summary:
We need you to testify on behalf of either, or ideally both these bills.
- SB 5955 will be heard at 8 AM in the Senate Local Government, Land Use & Tribal Affairs Committee in Senate Hearing Room 3 in the John A. Cherberg (JAC) building on the Capitol campus.
- HB 2103 will be heard at 10:30 AM in the House Local Government Committee, House Hearing Room E in the John L. O’Brien (JLOB) building on the Capitol campus.
We can help you with a statement.
- If you’d like to testify, you must register, and have the option to testify in person or remotely. Here is information about signing in to testify.(If you do plan to testify in-person, it makes sense to register for both HB2103 and SB5955 since they are scheduled so closely together.)
- This link provides more information about what to expect at committee hearings and preparing your remarks. You may also submit written testimony.
- Please see this page for links to a Capitol campus map and parking information.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to testify on behalf of these bills. If you plan to testify in-person, we can help with transportation and getting you to the right meeting room.
If you are a harmed homeowner, or advocate, they need you to testify on behalf of the bill!
These bills will:
- Mitigate harm from air and noise pollution, by using a portion of Port property tax to be reinvested in communities harmed.
- Provide mitigation equipment to reduce air and noise pollution to harmed communities.
- Repair or replace failed mitigation equipment that has been previously installed.
- Require the Port to provide a yearly report of what has been done with the funds for the remedial mitigation program.
- Have King County (independent entity) contract with inspectors to conduct inspection for failed air packages.