HB1293 – 1995

This legislation, sponsored by 33rd Rep. Julia Patterson,did not make it as far as committee. The digest reads “Declares that agreements requiring property ...

ESHB 2609 Air Transportation Commission AIRTRAC 1992

      ESHB 2609                               As Passed House                              February 18, 1992 Title:  An act relating to air transportation. Brief Description:  Making airport expansions consistent with the state air transportation policy plan. Sponsor(s):  By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Hine, G. Fisher, R. Fisher, Brough, Heavey, Locke, Chandler, Leonard, Valle, Wood, Prentice, Hochstatter, Mitchell, Horn,

H.R.5835 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990

Included in here under Title 9: Subtitle B: Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion – Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990 – Amends the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 to include as an “airport development” activity the acquisition of land for, or work involved to construct, a burn area training structure on