Ms. Tosta is a Council Member for the City Of Burien and chairs the Burien Airport Committee. This letter follows their joint meeting with the Des Moines Aviation Committee. The discussion was ostensibly about the path forward after both cities had decided to withdraw from the StART. First off, I want to commend you for
A Letter To Earnest Thompson
Mr. Thompson is a member of the StART Committee for Normandy Park and a candidate for City Council in that town. This letter is in regard to a failed Resolution #944 voted on at their City Council Meeting 09/10/2019. Hi Earnest, Again, I’m sorry that I was unable to make the Normandy Park City Council
A Letter To Amanda Wyma-Bradley re. HR 6168
Ms. Wyma-Bradley is a Legislative Assistant for Congressman Adam Smith (D) 9th District, WA. Thank you for your work on this issue.I worry that my comments at the meeting may have veered discussion away from your intended text. But I think I do understand the local situation and my concern in HR 6168 was that
A Letter To Adam Smith Re. HR 6168
Dear Congressman, As I wrote you on 24 March re. ANCA, I want to thank you for all your help for airport communities. I now have the following comments ahead of your August 27 Meeting with our communities. Representation I am very concerned about the definition and structure of ‘community’ and who will be designated
A Letter To Tina Orwall re. Stakeholder Meeting
Tina Orwall is a State Representative For the 33rd District. This letter is in regard to a Stakeholders Meeting she convened at Kent City Hall on August 15, 2019. Dear Tina, I wanted to share my thoughts on your Stakeholders Meeting last week. The Politics My objection to your support of my opponent is exactly
A Letter To Fred Felleman re: Glide slope and noise monitoring
Mr. Felleman is a Commissioner of The Port Of Seattle. This letter is in response to a recent addition to the Port’s SAMP Near-Term Projects List, which was part of the Unanimous Consent Agenda (3c) Port Special Meeting in Kirkland, WA on 23 July 2019. Dear Commissioner, Thank you for adding in an update to
Show Me The Money!
The problem with all airport community issues come down to M-O-N-E-Y. There are currently some programs that try to account for noise. There are almost no programs that account for pollution; or lower property values; or an array of socio-economic harms. If you look at the galaxy of Federal Regs that have sprouted from ANCA,
A Letter To Danny Westneat
Mr. Westneat is a columnist and reporter for the Seattle Times focusing on local issues. Hi Danny, Read your Sunday column on Climate Change and Jay Inslee. Great stuff as always. I recently met Jay Inslee at a Port Of Seattle convention on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)–a substitute for the aviation kerosene now used which
Bad College Lecture: StART Meeting June 2019
June 26th Meeting Recap may be found here It’s been almost a year and a half since the Sea-Tac Airport Roundtable (StART) made its debut and I have to say I am not thrilled with the current state of play. I’m not talking about its accomplishments (work product) or its process (which I call ‘Bad College
Letter To PPP Members (July 2019)
An update on what we’ve been doing.First off, yes, I am running for City Council in Des Moines. And yes I did tell y’all that was not going to happen. Which already establishes my qualifications for a career in politics, right? 😀 But the reasons are pretty basic. First off,, win or lose, the act