Under The Flight Path: A Community History of Sea-Tac Airport 2023 Grant Application

The following is a grant application recently submitted by SeaTacNoise.Info to 4Culture as part of their Heritage Projects program. Fingers crossed. Short Description We will create a documentary about the Airport Communities of Sea-Tac from 1949 to 2019: Tukwila, Normandy Park, Des Moines, Federal Way, SeaTac and Burien. This will be the first modern history

Air purifiers

Should you get an air purifier? If you live near the flight path, the answer is ‘Yes’. Not only because of the aviation emissions, but also because of roadway emissions, the increasing prevalence of wildfires, and, if you have a Port Package, the increased risk of indoor mold. So many choices… However, the question of

Significant events in the growth of Sea-Tac Airport since 1996

Introduction The growth of Sea-Tac Airport has definitely not been linear. There have been many fits and starts that don’t make for easy sound bites. For example, Sea-Tac Airport was able to run over 400,000 operations in 2000 on only two runways. By the time the Third Runway opened for business on November, 20 2008,

The Check Box

Introduction One small silver-lining from the pandemic is the broad realization that a great deal of work can now be done as well or even better via Remote Work and Remote Attendance. It saves time and money and improves productivity. It provides increased accessibility for those who find air travel challenging or who simply prefer

Ten Practical Things The FAA Can Do For Airport Communities Right Now

Introduction Per your request, here are some specific things the Federal government could do to help airport communities. This list has two features: It is not comprehensive but it is practical, I just started jotting down the things I know that could help residents now, just to get Commercial Aviation on par with the other regulated

Annual Operations and Passengers

Operations 1961-2023 Air carrier: Scheduled aircraft operation with over 70 seats Air Taxi: Scheduled aircraft operation with less than 70 seats Source: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Passengers 1961-2023

Stop The Madness!

Newspaper cartoon depicting community frustrations. Every time something good has happened (like North Sea-Tac Park) it's been soon followed by something bad (increased flight operations).
Newspaper cartoon depicting community frustrations. Every time something good has happened (like North Sea-Tac Park) it's been soon followed by something bad (increased flight operations).

A love letter to people new to the issues who want to make a real difference Dear Budding Airport Activist, We bet you’ve already called the Port of Seattle a bunch of times. The airlines. The FAA. Maybe your Congressman. Joined social media groups. You click that Noise App button a hundred times a day.

Just Five Percent

As we previously wrote, the single biggest thing we as airport community activists could do to reduce the noise and pollution would be to encourage Remote Work. We at SeatacNoise.Info have been puzzled for a while now why this hasn’t been a part of the discussion in either airport communities or climate change activists. We

Just keep doing what you’re doing

There was a longstanding  joke in the software biz: ‘the remote revolution is just around the corner!’ The irony was that, despite the fact that remote work was tailor-made for the industry,  the software business was the last place such a revolution would ever happen. Managers were very straightforward: they wanted their employees in the

A letter to Representative Adam Smith: Conservation

Representative Smith, I had a conversation yesterday with your wonderful aide &#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608&#9608. I mentioned the idea of bringing ‘conservation’ into the discussion of air travel and she must have thought I was nuts. It is hard to explain to younger people how much Americans used to glamourise cars. The idea that we might ever feel