Adam Smith Meeting on Aviation Bills

Representative Smith. I am writing to provide our input as to what residents of Sea-Tac Airport need to address the impacts of commercial aviation. Although these four suggestions are specific to our community, they apply to all major airport communities. As we have always said: Solving for Sea-Tac, solves for all airports. That was the


The STNI 2023 State Legislative Agenda A letter to members of the Washington State House and Senate representing the airport communities. On behalf of SeaTacNoise.Info: As always, thank you for your efforts this year on behalf of airport communities. They are much appreciated.However, I write today to say that not only are we not moving

November 29, 2022 Port Commission Meeting

A letter to the Commissioners of the Port of Seattle regarding the 29 November Commission Meeting and passage of the Port’s 2023 Budget. Commissioners, Congratulations on passing the Port’s 2023 Budget at your 29 November meeting. Here are a few thoughts about that meeting, the budget you passed, and the year ahead: 1. There was not

Letter to Commissioners: Port Package Pilot Program

The following is a letter to the Port of Seattle Commissioners. A great difficulty in providing justice for the community is simply the fact that in any government, electeds come and go, but the staff persists. Dear Commissioners,Below is a Pilot Project, which addresses your concerns to quantify the need of Port Package Updates and

Section 163, Docket No. FAA-2022-1203: There’s a bigger game…

The comment period for this draft policy rule change ended today. There are FAA policy changes like this all the time which are generally only noticed by people in ‘the biz’; especially if they don’t have any obvious connection with flight paths or noise or pollution. When we first started watching this sort

Boy, do we hate being right…

I wrote the following article in 2018: *Why There Is No Second Airport In Site I’m throwing up that old news in light of the fact that yesterday, the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (CACC) met its statutory obligation to deliver a recommendation on a ‘second airport’, basically by punting a final decision into 2023 which

Port Package updates are essential to the American Dream

A letter to the Commissioners of the Port of Seattle: explaining the history of Port Packages and their place in environmental justice. The American Dream is a safe, healthy home, at an affordable price, where you can raise your children, in one of the most beautiful areas in the world. But with so many Port Package failures and fewer and fewer new homes being eligible for sound insulation, that dream is becoming harder to achieve under the flight path.

Microsoft Worklab: Great Expectations — Making Hybrid Work, Work

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Microsoft has been tracking the shift to remote work through their Worklab research division. But unlike other companies and pundits with various agenda, it has been doing something approaching unbiased research and legitimate analysis. Microsoft is doing a great public service in pursuing these studies. As we’ve pointed

Section 163

Section 163 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 regulates the uses of properties acquired by airport sponsors using FAA funds. These include property buyouts for noise mitigation and other non-aeronautical uses. SEC. 163. LIMITED REGULATION OF NON-FEDERALLY SPONSORED PROPERTY. (a) <> In General.–Except as provided in subsection (b), the Secretary of Transportation may not