#7. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Last time I said that the only people worth listening to are people with ‘good goals’. I said that a ‘good goal’ was one that actually lowered noise and pollution. And I likely offended any number of you by questioning whether or not –you- are on the team. I did not actually list my ‘good

#6. What Are Good Goals?

OK, we’re now getting a –little- closer to the finish line in this novella. Last time I said there were ‘good goals’ and ‘bad goals’ in this fight. If you don’t buy into this notion, you may as well stop reading. But as a freshman philosophy student might say, “Hey pal, define your terms.” Fine.

#5. Leaders Far And Near

I’ve gotten some PMs basically saying “Stop gassing on about what’s –wrong-. What do we –do-?” We’re getting there. I want to cover all the obvious ‘strategies’ people have already tried because I want you to understand why they can never work in the case of fixing SeaTac before moving on to what actually -will-

#4. Intentions

III INTENTIONS No one works for the Port beyond a certain level without actually –believing- in the mission. If you ever wonder “How can Commissioner X sleep at night?” Because they –believe- in the Port’s Mission. They are –not- ‘evil’. Their goal is to benefit King County and the State Of Washington. They –really- believe

#3. Sleight Of Hand (Part II)

(I broke this into parts because this is the –meat- of what I want to get across. It will question pretty much –every- aspect of how you’ve been protesting so it’s just not possible to cram into 800 words. Part I ’Way And Means’ discussed techniques. Part II focuses on the –why-.) ***************************************************************************** II. STRATEGY

#2. Sleight Of Hand (Part I)

Preface: (I’m breaking this into parts because this is the –meat- of what I want to get across. It will question pretty much –every- aspect of how you’ve been protesting so it’s just not possible to cram into 800 words. Part I is called “Ways And Means”) Introduction OK, so you’ve decided to write. What

#1. Write…

Preface: I used to BEG people here and throughout DM to write letters and get ENGAGED! Very few ever did or do. And those that do? Why they write to Congress, FAA, EPA, Complaint Lines… These are almost always (there are a very few specific exceptions) the same as taking the time to write a

Kill ‘Em With Kindness

One of the most difficult aspects of explaining the airport to outsiders is the constant stream of positive spinning going on throughout the area. This spinning occurs on many levels and despite my using the verb ‘spin’ most of it is actually a sincere attempt to help the community. The problem is that the area

We Need A Professional

The airport communities need to establish a direct, formal relationship with the Commissioners of the Port Of Seattle. This should be accomplished either voluntarily or by statue and then executed by a dedicated professional. In short we need a professional airport advocate. The airport communities need this because our current system of communication, which has

Now and Later

Almost every politician or advocacy group in Puget Sound would seem to agree on some basic themes when it comes to controlling Sea-Tac Airport. And in fact, it is remarkable how similar the viewpoints are (at least in public) between almost anyone you might speak with. However there is one key difference between myself and