Flow and Flight Tracks

A set of daily tracks from March 1 to March 18, 2018, giving a representation of North Flow and South Flow departure and arrivals. People who complain about the flight concentration immediately notice the pattern to ‘the funnel’, ie. the points of convergence six miles north and south of the airport which lead to the

PPP Update #2

Hi there, It’s been too long since our first update. Sorry about that. Part of the delay is that literally the week we decided to create this list, the true magnitude of the COVID-19 emergency became apparent and the Governor declared a State Of Emergency. COVID-19 Challenges The first speed bump is that we were

Long Term Management

Over the past four years SeatacNoise.Info has done two fairly in-depth analyses. First, concerning the relation between Sea-Tac Airport and the surrounding communities going back to 1959 (before the building of what is now the ‘first runway’), and second looking at the current state of community relations at the top 20 U.S. airports (by average

SAMP For Dummies

The Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) is the blueprint for increasing flight capacity by one third in the next ten years. It will have the same community impact as the Third Runway. In fact, it is happening now. How this is possible, and what it means for us.

Why electric airplanes are no panacea

The (very) good news is that there is more than one zero-emission aviation technology coming. But at the risk of being Mr. Negative, at least for airport communities, electric airplanes are no panacea. And we say that not to inspire despair but to tell residents the realities, which are: Each of these alternatives comes with

The (Real) Problem With Port Packages…

In 1996, the PSRC required the Port of Seattle to provide sound insulation systems, known as Port Packages for all homes and apartments in a geographic area known as the DNL65. This requirement was in exchange for providing the Federal funding necessary to construct the Third Runway. The estimate was perhaps  15,000 new units–in addition to

Symbolic Gestures

For those of you who hate reading and just want to get to the point, click here. 😀 As we’ve written here many times, we’d like you to consider thinking differently about airport issues.  We’d like you to consider that the real challenges are not ‘noise’ or ‘pollution’ or ‘FAA law’ or ‘the environment’. What

A Letter to Councilmember Earnest Thompson

Mr. Thompson is a member of the Normandy Park City Council and is well-known for his advocacy of HyperLoop technology. This letter was written in response to a conversation we had regarding Towards A New Normal. Hi Earnest, Just following up on our conversation. First, I look forward to seeing your information on HyperLoop. Second,

Towards A New Normal

When I first spoke publicly on the problems of Sea-Tac Airport four years ago, I was not coy. I said, “Roll it back.” And by that I meant, reducing the number of daily operations back to 2012 levels. I was told that only an act of God could make such a thing possible. Who knew,