HB2315 (Port Package Update) Frequently Asked Questions

Now that HB2315 (the ‘Port Package Update’ bill) has passed, we’re getting a ton of questions. Here are some answers. If you don’t see your question here, please contact us, but please be specific about what you are asking about, include your address and phone number and above all please be patient! We are only four volunteers so messages like “Bob. Port Package?” don’t do much. (That was a real message we recently received.)

  1. Q: I don’t have a Port Package. Will this law qualify me for one?
    A: No. HB2315 is meant to repair and update homes with existing Port Packages which were not done properly and/or where the home has developed poor air quality (mold). Now, there are a few dozen homes in each City which are still eligible for a Port Package, but for one reason or another fell through the cracks. You can see if your home may qualify by reading this.  But that has nothing to do with HB2315. That said, we see this as a big first step towards expanding the area of coverage. There are bills in the works now at the State (HB1847) and Federal level to do exactly that, so if you aren’t already, we strongly encourage you to hit the yellow Subscribe link at the top of the page to get on our mailing list.  That way you can know what’s going on and help us get there. We only get there with your help!
  2. Q: I have a Port Package. I don’t see any obvious damage but it doesn’t seem to reduce the noise level like before. Can I get help with that?
    A: Not currently. Again, the law is meant to repair and update homes with existing Port Packages which were not done properly and/or where the home has developed poor air quality (mold). Now, mold is serious. if you suspect your home has mold, you can (and should) have it tested by a State-Certified company. If it tests positive, you could make a case for remediation.
  3. Q: I’m not sure if I even have a Port Package. How can I tell if I do?
    A: Go here. All properties with Port Packages have an Avigation Easement which was signed by the homeowner who had the work done.
  4. Q: I have a Port Package and it has problems. How do I make sure that I will be included in the list of homes that get repairs and updates?
    A: The details are still being worked out. However, our strong recommendation is that you have someone from our group come to your home and do an inspection. We’ll take pictures and give you our opinion. If your system looks like a good candidate, we will add it to our database (which is prioritized by damage). We will work to make certain that homes on our list are given immediate attention when the program actually begins. This matters because it will take years to redo so many homes!
  5. Q: How do I schedule an appointment to have you take a look at our Port Package?
    A:Have you really confirmed that you have a Port Package as in FAQ #3 above? Great. Then just use the Contact form. We need the following information:  your full name (and the name of the property owner if that is different), plus a phone number and the address. We’ll get back to you to schedule a time. It is best if you can find any documentation you have (the Port Package Handbook and any invoices from the contractor). The process takes fifteen minutes and involves taking pictures. It is especially helpful if you can provide (easy) access to crawlspace and attics as we need that to help determine if you have structural damage or mold. Many homes look fine to the untrained eye, but actually have damage or mold behind walls, floors and ceiling.