A Letter To Mayor Jimmy Matta

Dear Mayor, I listened with dismay to council member Krakowiak’s objections to each of your Airport Committee’s resolutions. Her objection to the first resolution was that the BAC should be reduced to a Citizens Advisory Committee. The fact that it has had the participation of your council is exactly what has given it its unique

Letter To Michael Matthias

Dear Michael, I am sure your Aviation Committee will apprise you of the Burien resolution, but just in case here ya go (Item 13): https://burienwa.civicweb.net/document/20823?fbclid=IwAR1UI5WEN8X88xy9w7B2eF6vEz2w7RLtLOY7ZvGUHzT8Qj_K1qx-Hz6Bo9w I think of the airport as a factory. And I think of our houses as being like homes with those small oil wells on the back lot which are so

Make A Difference In 2019

People who read our posts tend to be more wonky than most. But this is the first in a series of posts for the silent majority; which is to say the overwhelming number of people who are ostensibly following one of the Quiet Skies groups but are thoroughly confused as to what they can do

Continuity (StART Meeting 12/19/18)

Often the most important, but under-appreciated form of knowledge for any government is known as “institutional knowledge”. It is the knowledge that carries forward seamlessly from one government to the next. It is typically carried in the heads of a few key long-time employees. If it is not intentionally valued it is usually lost and

A Letter To Nancy Tosta

Ms. Tosta is a Council Member for the City Of Burien and chairs their Aviation Committee. This letter was hastily started after their meeting tonight. I asked her to consider placing the following item on the agenda for the Committee’s next meeting: “How do we turn our resolutions into legislation?” Council Member, I wanted to

A Letter To The Port Of Seattle Commissioners (Part II)

As I wrote in the first part of this letter, you got two doses of my fantastic eloquence at the last general meeting. I said there were two points I wanted to make to flesh out what I said and this is the second. My first point concerned a less expensive and more efficient way

A Letter To The Port Of Seattle Commissioners

At today’s general meeting you got not one, but two doses of my fantastic eloquence. Lucky you. There were two points I wanted to make to flesh out what I said. It’s always hard (at least for me) to be that brief and actually make sense on such complex issues. Hopefully I’ll better make the


Can you say ‘fungibility’? Sure. I knew you could. Everyone involved with the fighting the Port Of Seattle should learn this word because it’s key to understanding the Port’s operations and their whole set of lame excuses as to why they can’t provide airport communities with mitigation and relief from the noise and pollution. Money

*Why There Is No Second Airport In Site

I admit to a bit of Schadenfreüde whenever I attend a public forum of electeds where the potential siting of a second airport is to be discussed. Because I know I’ll be witnessing my electeds feeling frustrated, patronised and condescended to. Which is how I feel a hundred or so times a year when I