Apparently mold is unhealthy. In a restaurant.

And in today’s news: Des Moines building with two restaurants closed due to serious health hazards Port Package Problems A bit of background: We’ve tried and tried for a couple of years now to raise the alarm on the issue of mold in homes with Port Packages. We were first alerted to the problem when


I attended my first StART meeting in a while last night. The first thing I noticed was how ‘official’ it has become. By that I mean, it was sparsely attended, quiet and the attendees were engaged in some very fine-grained the work, mostly on the whole Glide Slope thing. The second half of the meeting

Sea-Tac Arabia

If you follow foreign affairs even a little bit, you’ve heard over the past decade or so how the Saudis are trying, with varying degrees of success, to spend their considerable fortune to actually move their economy away from selling fossil fuel products. They realize that ultimately this is a dead end strategy, if not

Well that’s a relief! SB5370

TVW Video (1:45:00) Just a quick note to give followers a bit of the sausage making in those whole boring process of SB5370. One nice thing about State business is that even the Executive Sessions are available on video. Ironically, this is one of their arguments against having full transparency of all documents. At the

What’s Not To Like? HB1683

So I was back in Olympia last Thursday, this time at the House Transportation Committee to comment on HB1683, the companion to SB5370 which we talked about last time. TVW Video House Transportation Committee Feb 7 3:30PM (HB1683 begins @ 43:00) I made my feeble comments along with Des Moines City Councilor Traci Buxton and