A Letter To Earnest Thompson

Mr. Thompson is a member of the StART Committee for Normandy Park and a candidate for City Council in that town. This letter is in regard to a failed Resolution #944 voted on at their City Council Meeting 09/10/2019. Hi Earnest, Again, I’m sorry that I was unable to make the Normandy Park City Council

A Letter To Adam Smith Re. HR 6168

Dear Congressman, As I wrote you on 24 March re. ANCA, I want to thank you for all your help for airport communities. I now have the following comments ahead of your August 27 Meeting with our communities. Representation I am very concerned about the definition and structure of ‘community’ and who will be designated

Show Me The Money!

The problem with all airport community issues come down to M-O-N-E-Y. There are currently some programs that try to account for noise. There are almost no programs that account for pollution; or lower property values; or an array of socio-economic harms. If you look at the galaxy of Federal Regs that have sprouted from ANCA,

Bad College Lecture: StART Meeting June 2019

June 26th Meeting Recap may be found here It’s been almost a year and a half since the Sea-Tac Airport Roundtable (StART) made its debut and I have to say I am not thrilled with the current state of play. I’m not talking about its accomplishments (work product) or its process (which I call ‘Bad College

Letter To PPP Members (July 2019)

An update on what we’ve been doing.First off, yes, I am running for City Council in Des Moines.  And yes I did tell y’all that was not going to happen. Which already establishes my qualifications for a career in politics, right? 😀 But the reasons are pretty basic. First off,, win or lose, the act

A Letter To Sheila Brush re. Stakeholder Committee Interviews

Sheila Brush is the founder of Quiet Skies Puget Sound (QSPS), a member of the Des Moines Aviation Committee as well as a City Of Des Moines representative on the StART Committee. Thank you for your kind phone message re. the Sea-Tac Baseline Study: Stakeholder Interviews.I’ve received a number of suggestions to join in, so