Runway project to get more scrutiny – updated forecasts show sea-tac might be busier than initially predicted

Runway project to get more scrutiny – updated forecasts show sea-tac might be busier than initially predicted January 10, 1997 | News Tribune, The (Tacoma, WA) Author/Byline: Al Gibbs; The News Tribune | Page: A1 |  The Port of Seattle will conduct a rare supplemental environmental assessment of its third runway project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The investigation, expected to last about a month, comes in the wake of updated Federal

Airport Communities Coalition (ACC)

The cities of Burien, Tukwila, Des Moines, and Normandy Park formed the Airport Communities Coalition in 1993 to stopped the proposed construction of the third runway. The coalition was eventually expanded to include the Highline School District and the City of Federal Way. The group used lawsuits and appeals to contest studies and permits. The