Section 163

Section 163 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 regulates the uses of properties acquired by airport sponsors using FAA funds. These include property buyouts for noise mitigation and other non-aeronautical uses. SEC. 163. LIMITED REGULATION OF NON-FEDERALLY SPONSORED PROPERTY. (a) <> In General.–Except as provided in subsection (b), the Secretary of Transportation may not

All that matters are the votes…

We never wish to embarrass current or recent electeds. But facts are facts. When it comes to aviation, no member of any Washington delegation, Federal or State, House or Senate, votes against the airline industry. They write letters. They propose various regulatory bits that have no chance at passage. But every vote that has made

Annual Operations and Passengers

Operations 1961-2022 Air carrier: Scheduled aircraft operation with over 70 seats Air Taxi: Scheduled aircraft operation with less than 70 seats Source: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Passengers 1961-2022

Just Five Percent

As we previously wrote, the single biggest thing we as airport community activists could do to reduce the noise and pollution would be to encourage Remote Work. We at SeatacNoise.Info have been puzzled for a while now why this hasn’t been a part of the discussion in either airport communities or climate change activists. We

Just keep doing what you’re doing

There was a longstanding  joke in the software biz: ‘the remote revolution is just around the corner!’ The irony was that, despite the fact that remote work was tailor-made for the industry,  the software business was the last place such a revolution would ever happen. Managers were very straightforward: they wanted their employees in the