A letter to the Commissioners Of The Port Of Seattle re. Motion 2020-04 (Accelerated Sound Insulation Program)

Commissioners, I want to thank you again for your 25 February 2020 vote on Motion 2020-04. As you know, this action was taken to accelerate your sound insulation program (known as Port Packages) and also take advantage of new State legislation HB2315 which enables the Port to provide updates and repairs to existing systems. We

The (Real) Problem With Port Packages…

In 1996, the PSRC required the Port of Seattle to provide sound insulation systems, known as Port Packages for all homes and apartments in a geographic area known as the DNL65. This requirement was in exchange for providing the Federal funding necessary to construct the Third Runway. The estimate was perhaps  15,000 new units–in addition to

Port Of Seattle Announces Noise Program Expansion 2026

Today’s Port Of Seattle General Meeting had the most significant news about Port Packages we have ever seen. If you are concerned about airport noise issues this will matter to you whether you have a Port Package or not. As background, I strongly encourage you to look at the presentation by Noise Program Manager Stan