Motion 2020-04 Accelerated Sound Insulation Program (amended)


directing the acceleration of the sound insulation program
at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
FEBRUARY 25, 2020
On October 11, 2013, Resolution No 3683 was passed by Commission approving the Part 150 to be
submitted to the FAA for review. The FAA issued a P150 record of approval June 5, 2014. While past
implementation was limited due to funding availability, significant work was completed. However, critical
elements of the program remain. Accelerating the remainder of sound insulation programs is essential to
providing relief to those local communities impacted by aircraft noise.
The Port of Seattle Executive Director shall take necessary actions to accelerate the airport sound
insulation program no later than 2026. The Executive Director shall implement the recommended
structure, staffing, funding, resources, consulting, and contracting to ensure a timely delivery of the
program. Port staff shall brief the Commission Aviation Committee regularly on progress on the
development of the program and implementation.
The Port shall also continue staff efforts to coordinate with other public agencies to ensure that our sound
insulation program is complementary to, and not duplicative of nor harmful to, other public agency
programs intended to provide low income housing, energy upgrades, and other community benefits.
The Port shall update the Commission on a preliminary implementation plan of the approval of the 2021