Letter To The Port Commission: A Two Point Plan

Dear Commissioner, Following up on my public comment yesterday, I want to offer a simple, two-point plan which provides a relatively painless way for our communities to work together with the Port Of Seattle to deal with the problems we all recognize are making life so difficult for residents. The Airport Discount When I first

How To Instantly Change A Powerful Person’s Mind

Jeff Flake confronted by #METOO protester

If you were watching the news today you got to see a Master Class in “How to instantly change a powerful person’s mind.” United States Senator Jeff Flake walked out of a hearing today as a solid ‘Yes’ vote on the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, got into an elevator and was

Doing More Than the MDR: A Letter To The Port Commission

Dear Commissioner, Regarding my comments at the Regular Commission Meeting today. Several of you have expressed a sincere desire to do more for the airport communities. To which I have two coments: 1. Who’s stopping you? There are numerous changes that you can make without fear of opposition by the FAA or any other agency.


I admit it. I wasn’t paying much attention during the whole 3rd Runway battle. The Des Moines Marina was my home base for sailing adventures up and down the Sound, but during the infrequent times I was on land, the thing I noticed most were all the gravel trucks slowing traffic on 509. Of course,


So we’ve passed a teensy milestone: 300 subscribers. Woohoo. I smell movie! 😀 OK, maybe not. But given the dry nature of the material stored here, I think we’re doing OK. More interesting is that we’ve had three days now with over 100 hits. Again, it’s a drip. But it’s a steady drip. What I

MIT: How to get sprayed metal coatings to stick

This is a rather technical article. However it’s well worth reading as it provides an explanation as to why the toxic metals (Thorium, Beryllium, Ytterbium, Gadolinium, etc.) used to coat aircraft engines sloughs off, thus falling on areas under the flight paths.